Download of Support Files

Putty.exe is a secure shell terminal emulation package for the Microsoft Windows (TM) operating systems. It allow you to connect from any place on the internet to our demonstration site


Occasionally, a dealership will find putty.exe disconnects too easily. Here is the fix.

Get remote support for your PC using ShowMyPC. Click on the link below and then click on ShowMyPC to Remote User. You should choose to run the program, once the program is running click on the 'Show My PC Now' button. It will generate a 4 digit number, give that to whoever is giving you remote support. You may need to tell Windows(TM) or your anti-virus software to allow/unblock the program.

Show My PC

CoreFTP is a windows based FTP client. It is used to grab files off our linux or unix server for use on a windows machine.

coreftplite1.3.exe ~2MB Instructions

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